Saturday, June 19, 2010

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Latest Posts on Coolest Gadgets

VIOlight Cell Phone Sanitizer

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 03:00 PM PDT

VIOlight has had their hands in all sorts of sanitizers to make sure your various items stay sanitary.  As of now they have a whole lot of different sanitizers just for your toothbrush and for those of you without teeth there is the denture sanitizer.  For general items they also have a UV wand, but now they’re getting into cellphones.  We all already knew that our phones are absolutely disgusting when it comes to germs, but VIOlight has decided to actually do something about it.

Their UV light gadgets will take care of 99% of germs and bacteria.  That includes E coli, listeria, salmonella, step and the infamous H1N1 flu virus.  This particular one runs on AA batteries and promises to clean all sort of small gadgets.  The list includes cellphones, earbuds, headphones, PDAs and so on, it does all of that in all of 3 minutes.  To purchase one of these it’ll cost you $49.95, although they won’t actually be out until this coming October.

Source: Gearlog

Cool Gift Idea: Digital Picture Frames, check out our reviews.
[ VIOlight Cell Phone Sanitizer copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Energenie kills power to gadgets for you

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 02:00 PM PDT

When it comes to energy conservation there are a whole lot of small gadgets that you can choose from.  There are several that do nothing more than let you know just how much energy is being sucked away by leaving the device plugged in all the time.  Hey, if it works to motivate you then it’s worth it to have the stats handy.  However, if that’s not quite enough for you, this Energenie does a lot of the work for you.

Like many of the other devices to control your appliances and electronics, you just plug the appliance into the energy saver and then it plugs into the outlet.  The big benefit with this gadget is that once it detects that a device has gone into that famous standby mode, it will just cut off all power to it.  The possibilities are endless with this one, you can attach it to anything from your TV onto the smaller gadgets like your CD player.  You can purchase one of these for £13.99 or about $20 through Nigel’s Eco Store.

Source: Envirogadget

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[ Energenie kills power to gadgets for you copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Glow Outdoor Furniture

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 01:08 PM PDT

Usually when it comes to my furniture I prefer a whole lot of comfort and it has to look at least a little good.  I don’t believe I’ve ever made the attempt to find a chair that doubles as a light source.  I tend to stick with lamps for that job, but if you’re in the mood to think outside of the box, you should check out these chairs.  They give you a place to sit and give a bit of light while they’re at it.

These aren’t just chairs though, the set includes a stool and table as well.  You can have a whole bunch of furniture to give your backyard a glow.  You can also choose to mix and match colors or get all of the same ones.  The colors offered up include blue, green, red and white.  All 3 of the furniture pieces come in all of those colors.  The cheapest of the bunch is the stool that is priced at $199 per stool.  Now should you choose the table or chair, those cost $399 a piece.  It’s not exactly a cheap set, but you can pick it up through Frontgate.

Source: Gizmodiva

Tech Cult – We cover the latest tech news, but always with a funny twist.
[ Glow Outdoor Furniture copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Posted: 17 Jun 2010 10:01 PM PDT