Friday, February 5, 2010

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Latest Posts on Coolest Gadgets

Aircruise: Hydrogen-powered floating cruise ship

Posted: 04 Feb 2010 02:47 PM PST

aircruise-thumb-550x376-33212I always wished that I was around when blimps, balloons, and other airships were the only method of air travel. The biggest problem with this rather romantic method of air travel was that there was only so much room in the passenger area that hung underneath the inflated area.

As a result, cruising by air could never be as huge as the sea cruise business. However, this Aircruise concept could easily change that.

This diamond-shaped airship runs on hydrogen fuel cells and has a speed of 90 miles per hour. Granted, it is pretty slow compared to a jetplane, but this method of travel is ten times better than First Class.

The plan is to fill the Aircruise with bars and lounges, but I can’t help but wonder how much you can actually put on there. I believe that another part of the plan is to give the Aircruise glass floors, so this trip is definitely not for the acrophobes who don’t want to “walk on air”.

I realize that the Aircruise is one of those aircrafts that will take years, possibly even decades, to develop, but I would love to go on its maiden voyage. Let’s hope that it wouldn’t end like the Titanic’s, or it will be a cross between the White Star ship and the Hindenberg.


Introducing Foolish Gadgets because not all gadgets are cool :)
[ Aircruise: Hydrogen-powered floating cruise ship copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Interaxon allows visitors of the Vancouver Winter Games to control light displays with thoughts

Posted: 04 Feb 2010 02:26 PM PST

interaxon_lights_610x166We’ve discussed mind-controlled technology before, such as the Star Wars Force Trainer. A Toronto-based company named Interaxon has used mind control technology for how you really want to use it: to turn on the lights.

Interaxon (see video after the jump) is having a special display of this technology for the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Their display allows visitors to control lights at Niagara Falls (seen above) as well as Ottawa’s Parliament building and the CN Tower.

Visitors will have to wear a headset to measure the brain’s alpha waves and beta waves. Alpha waves are associated with relaxation, and beta waves are related to concentration. As the visitor concentrates or relaxes, his or her mental signals are transmitted over the Internet to change the light patterns.

Each monument has a different type of light pattern. For example, the display at the Parliament building covers the structure with glowing snowflakes. Visitors can control the intensity of lights that travel up and down the CN Tower, as well as the “radome” that spins at the top of the deck. For Niagara, visitors can change the color of the seven lights that illuminate the Horseshoe Falls.

If you watch the video below, then you can see that Interaxon is very interested in using thought control for all kinds of applications. I’m looking forward to seeing what they are planning for the future.


InteraXon presents Bright Ideas from InteraXon on Vimeo.

Tech Cult – We cover the latest tech news, but always with a funny twist.
[ Interaxon allows visitors of the Vancouver Winter Games to control light displays with thoughts copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Spawn HD-720 allows console games to be played from a network-connected computer

Posted: 04 Feb 2010 01:51 PM PST

gI_SpawnPlayerScreenshot.pngSpawn Labs has put out a new device called the HD-720, a device that can give a gamer the ability to play their Xbox 360, Xbox, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, and Gamecube console video games (no support for Wii, apparently) from a network-connected computer, just like sitting in front of their console-connected computer.

Whoa, hold up. Are you saying that someone has invented a device that allows me to play console games on a computer? All I can say is: it’s about time. Hit the jump to find out what the Spawn HD-720 can do.

* When at home, if someone else is watching the TV to which the game console is attached, the gamer can go to a different room in the house and play from a computer across their home network.
* When at home, a gamer can play a game on their console and TV, while one or more friends play together in the same multi-player game session from their homes on a computer across the Internet.
* When traveling, gamers can play games anywhere with a broadband Internet connection.
* When at home, a gamer can invite friends to watch live game play, in real-time across the Internet.
* Whether at home or on the road, the gamer can capture video clips of a game play session to watch and share with others.

You realize what this means, don’t you? It means if my wife wants to watch Greys Anatomy, and I just want to get my game on, then I can just go to my computer and play while she watches Mc-stinkin’-Dreamy.

Also, I can invite my friend to play with me from his computer from a distance. He don’t even have to come over to play anymore. I can also capture video footage of my gameplay as an added bonus.

The Spawn HD-720 is available now for $199.95, with additional external Spawn Gamepad Adapters for other remote players for $39.95 each.


Coolest Gadgets UK – For all your UK centric tech and gadget news.
[ Spawn HD-720 allows console games to be played from a network-connected computer copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Chinese Sword Flash Drive

Posted: 04 Feb 2010 12:30 PM PST


For those of you that aren’t satisfied just carrying around a normal looking USB drive, now you can own one that is made to look like a Chinese sword.  Not many USB drives make you feel tough and manly, but surely a sword shaped drive will do the trick.  Plus you might not lose it since it has a spot to loop a keyring or even a chain through.  I don’t exactly recommend wearing it as a necklace, but the point is you could.

I don’t have the faintest idea what the exterior is made out of, for all I know it’s a very stiff looking play dough.  At least it looks like a sleek polished brass, so at the very least you can fool other people into thinking that.  The drive comes in multiple sizes, so you’re bound to find a size that fits your needs.  For the 2GB it’s $22, for the 4GB it’s $25 and then the 8GB is $36.  You can pick any of the sizes up through USB Brando.

Source: Smidigt

Coolest Gadgets UK – For all your UK centric tech and gadget news.
[ Chinese Sword Flash Drive copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

BudSock keeps your earbuds nice and untangled

Posted: 04 Feb 2010 11:37 AM PST


This has to be one of the strangest solutions for tangled earbud cords.  If it works though, then I suppose it doesn’t really matter a whole lot.  This odd little sock promises to save you from the headache of attempting to get all of those knots out of the wires of your favorite earbuds.  All the while being completely weightless and not really adding any bulk to your pockets.

There is actually a satisfaction guarantee that comes with this little sock.  If you aren’t satisfied with your purchase you can send it back for a 110% refund.  They are even eco-friendly by using organic cotton and the snaps themselves contain no plastic.  It seems to be one of those products I’d have to try out before I was entirely sold on it being the perfect solution.  Luckily it’s cheap, so it wouldn’t be too bad to buy it purely to give it a try.  It’ll cost you $4.99 for a single pack, $19.99 for a 5-pack and $29.99 for a 10-pack.

Source: ChipChick

Cool Gift Idea: Digital Picture Frames, check out our reviews.
[ BudSock keeps your earbuds nice and untangled copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Valentine’s Red Cashmere Gloves For iPhone Addicts

Posted: 04 Feb 2010 10:57 AM PST


These gloves may be shockingly red, but at least they’ll be warm and allow for you to continue the use of any touchscreen device.  Actually it’ll make life in general a whole lot easier, since some things are just more difficult to do when you have on soft gloves.  By having the ability to reveal the tip of your pointer finger and thumb you’ll have a whole lot more grip with various tasks.

For being cashmere gloves these do look pretty cheesy.  When people talk about cashmere gloves you always picture something a little more tasteful, not some bulky red and black gloves.  These come in both mens and womens sizes.  They do actually come in other colors besides the red.  There’s also blue and black, tan and brown, then finally gray and black.  You can purchase a set of these cashmere gloves for $70 through Freehands.

Source: CoolHunting

Introducing Foolish Gadgets because not all gadgets are cool :)
[ Valentine’s Red Cashmere Gloves For iPhone Addicts copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Gadget Thumbnails for 03-Feb-2010

Posted: 03 Feb 2010 09:01 PM PST

To get the energy out of your kids, use the sOccket Ball

Posted: 03 Feb 2010 05:06 PM PST

s0ccketDoes anyone think that it is strange that we live in a world where we must conserve all the energy we can, but children have energy to spare? Fortunately, the sOccket Ball has figured out a way to harness the power of children’s play.

That’s right, the sOccket ball. Don’t ask me why this product name is so odd, with its usage of capital and lower case letters, but here is how the device works.

Inside the ball is an inductive coil system, which is the same device on those flashlights that you can shake to recharge. If kids play with the ball for about 15 minutes, then they will have enough energy to power a normal LED light for about 3 hours.

This technology is similar to the Playpump, a device that has playground equipment connected to a generator. I’m beginning to think that every kid’s game can be turned into some energy harnessing device.

There is one slight problem with the sOccket Ball: it is not a regulation soccer ball. Yeah, it has a different feel and weight of a normal soccer ball, but this ball is designed for little children playing, not big league matches. This isn’t the World Cup sOccket ball, for crying out loud!


Introducing Foolish Gadgets because not all gadgets are cool :)
[ To get the energy out of your kids, use the sOccket Ball copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]