Saturday, April 20, 2013

Daily Digest Coolest Gadgets for 04/19/2013

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Apr 19, 2013 09:23 am | Julie

Forget your Keys? Use Your Smartphone!

Sure, its happened to me more than once. I lost my house keys, left them in the wrong car, or forgot to give them to my mother who was stopping over to feed the dog. It’s a simple thing, and I should have just taken the time to have extra keys made, or hidden one under the doormat, but in this day and age I’m not sure anyone does that anymore.

Well, First Watch Security is bringing you a nifty home entry alternative, forget your keys and garage door openers, why not use your Smartphone? Working with a smartphone that employs Bluetooth 4.0 and utilizing a 128 bit encryption, The First Watch Security Smart Deadbolt or SecuRemote lets you access your doors or garage with your phone.

Any users you authorize can operate the Smart Deadbolts or garage doors via the SecuRemote app simply by tapping the unlock or lock icons on a Smartphone.  Not only can you decide who gets access to your home, but when. This application works with your existing garage door opener and requires only the simple addition of an access control device. Whereas the Smart Deadbolt works with all standard door preparations, is installed with only a screwdriver, and it can run for up to two years on four AA batteries.

Okay, I guess I could like this. SecuRemote for your garage is available now, for only around 149 bucks, the Smart Deadbolt is making its way around the home show circuit and should be available soon. Check out for updates, pricing, and more information. So now I suppose, I have to keep track of my phone and worry about someone hacking their way into my house? Does Bluetooth enabled home entry delight or terrify you? … Let us know.
[ Forget your Keys? Use Your Smartphone! copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Apr 19, 2013 06:30 am | Edwin

Color Capture Car R/C

Are you on the lookout for a new remote control toy in order to live out your childhood fantasies? After all, back when you were a wee lad, you were unable to own one of those remote controlled toys simply because your parents decided that getting one of those for you would spoil you, not to mention the money could have been better spent elsewhere. Well, now that you are working and are your own man, Thinkgeek tempts you with the $29.99 Color Capture Car R/C.

This is one unique remote controlled toy car, where it not only responds to your command from the remote in your hand, it also has a chameleon-like capability, as it captures color from a particular surface to change its lights to be as close as possible to the captured color. To make sure that it does not just go around in circles or figure of 8s on the floor, the Color Capture Car R/C will feature a rotating front axle that allows you to perform fun stunts and tricks. Of course, since it relies on LEDs, bright colors are reproduced best, while dark shades like dark browns and black cannot be reproduced. The remote control is powered by a couple of AA batteries, while the car itself can be charged via a power adapter.

[ Color Capture Car R/C copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Apr 19, 2013 06:00 am | Edwin

The World's Only Counterbalanced Turntable

If there is one thing special about the folks over at Hammacher, it would be the way they describe some of the bevy of devices that they have in their warehouses. Hammacher tends to make use of superlative adjectives, and for today, we have one which is accompanied by a whopper of a price tag. I am referring to the $28,000 World’s Only Counterbalanced Turntable, yes sir, we are looking at 28 grand of goodness here just to play back your music in a traditional manner as you appreciate the vinyl records of yore (and new ones, too).

Touted to be the only fully suspended turntable in the world which relies on the wonders of dual counter-rotating platters so that it eliminates the troublesome sonic aberrations that are generated by common consumer models, this particular model has also picked up the gong for the Best Sound High Fidelity award from the renowned Munich High End, which is the largest high-end audio show in the world.

During playback, a vinyl record will rest atop the top-most, clockwise-spinning platter, while the bottom will rotate counter-clockwise in order to cancel torsional forces which would otherwise result in fluctuations in rotational speed and distort music. An inverted twin-bearing design of the platter assembly will further reduce torque-induced drag, whilst double hydraulic insulation offers additional dampening. Time to break open your collection of vinyls, not to mention your bank account!

[ The World’s Only Counterbalanced Turntable copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Apr 19, 2013 05:30 am | Edwin

Griffin Technology announces Crayola Light Marker availability

Griffin Technology is a name that is synonymous with its fair share of tablet accessories and peripherals, and here we are with the announcement of one of their latest releases, the Crayola Light Marker. The Crayola Light Marker can be said to be a new way for young artists to churn out their very own digital masterpieces by relying on innovative mobile technology.

Erica Tober, Youth Product Line Manager at Griffin, said, "iPads are wonderful for young artists, giving children an interactive landscape to engage and create. Using the front facing camera, Crayola Light Marker allows children to play and produce digital works of art without touching the screen. It's a magical new way to create!"

Just how does the Crayola Light Marker work anyways? Well, it will be combined with a free downloadable multi-activity app, and is capable of delivering hours of colorful fun. You are able to play games, solve puzzles and even create new masterpieces with glow-in-the-dark color, although do not expect any of these "art pieces" to jump astronomically in price anytime soon.

The Crayola Light Marker is capable of sending an invisible beam of light to the iPad's front-facing camera, where movement will be picked up in a jiffy and interpreted into drawings that will appear magically on the screen. The app itself sports a digital Crayola Crayon Box with digital markers, crayons, paintbrushes, and stamps among others, and you can also indulge in a variety of activities such as Dot to Dot, Splatter Paint, Coloring Pages, Hide 'n Seek, Puzzles, and Free Draw. The Crayola Light Marker will be accompanied by a stand for the iPad, and can be yours for $29.99 a pop. Sounds like something worth purchasing for your little ones, especially when you want to find out for yourself just whether they have a streak of Van Gog or da Vinci in them, no?

Press Release
[ Griffin Technology announces Crayola Light Marker availability copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Apr 19, 2013 05:00 am | Edwin

Play drums in the car with your steering wheel

Can you remember the first time when you received your driver's license? The feeling was definitely an exhilarating one, no? Of course, over the course of time, you might find that driving is a chore, especially when you have to juggle the timetable of three children who happen to have a daily schedule that is more packed than the President himself, apart from having to crawl through the daily traffic gridlock. Let us assume you have a musical streak in you, and you might want to blow off some steam right smack in the middle of the traffic jam by playing a set of drums. They are no ordinary drums, but I am referring to “Reinventing the Wheel (RITW),” which is a steering wheel cover that allows you to entertain yourself (and perhaps the rest of the passengers) whenever you are tuning in to your car stereo.

The RITW is the brainchild of the Smack Attack Corporation, where it will set you back by $149.99 a pop. It fits around an ordinary steering wheel, where it will then be transformed into an electronic drum set which is capable of playing up to eight different drum sounds, and that is only the start as the sounds will not be limited to drums alone. You are also able to include other sounds to its onboard storage, and it is a snap to trigger them from whichever one of the its eight sensors you select.

Smack Attack Corporation also offers a wide range of sounds that you are able to upload, in addition to creating your own and uploading those. Just to make sure that all of your creative efforts do not go to waste, it can also perform a recording of all your musical masterpieces, with the option to even overdub your performances on top of each other.

Let us hope that RITW will experience a successful Kickstarter project – in the meantime, you can continue to keep your fingers dancing across the steering wheel as practice.

[ Play drums in the car with your steering wheel copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Apr 18, 2013 04:35 pm | Julie

Ness – Tells You Where You Want to Eat, and Why

He says “So what are we going to do tonight?” “I dunno, let’s go eat.” she says. “Where should we go?” he asks. To which the reply is quite often “I cant think of anywhere, you decide.” Does that sound familiar? It seems like every weekend we end up in the same old place and to be honest, if I do stray from our old haunts its usually a disappointing experience. There have actually been times we didn’t go anywhere simply because we couldn’t come up with anything that sounded fun.

Well, I haven’t really tried it yet, but I’d like to introduce you to Ness, made exclusively for your iPhone or iPod touch, Ness will anticipate what your dining needs may be, and present you with elegant, swipeable recommendation cards that will summarize the information you need to quickly find a restaurant you will love.  Much better than a husband… it learns what you like, then picks a restaurant and tells you why you’ll like it!

The developers tell us, Ness adapts to your tastes to provide instant recommendations for you, not the crowd. So here’s an app that looks out for what you like, and even exactly when you might like it.  It can actually tell you a great place for brunch, or a great late night snack. So with a couple of swipes you can see a pic of the place, know about how much and how far and be on your way… or save the recommendation for later.

So, in the interest of marital bliss, I’m trying Ness out this weekend, and I may just find a couple of new places to relax with a good meal. I’ll let you know how it goes. Checkout Ness for yourself, its free and available at the app store.
[ Ness – Tells You Where You Want to Eat, and Why copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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