Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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George Lucas is buying up film rights to dead actors

Posted: 07 Dec 2010 05:09 PM PST

This is the latest to come down the Hollywood tech pipeline: George Lucas is buying “the film rights to dead actors”.

Considering his films set new standards for special effects, I’m certain it wouldn’t be too hard to revive these actors long after they pass away. All he needs is their posthumous permission.

There have already been some other films where dead actors have been revived with the help of computer graphics. In Superman Returns, Marlon Brando’s head is revived for some lines, and Sir Laurence Olivier has a few lines in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. In the last two examples, each actor was nothing more than a floating holographic head.

One of the best examples of reviving an actor to the prime of life is this new Tron Legacy film which has a young version of Jeff Bridges. I wonder if it would be possible to do an Indiana Jones film where Harrison Ford is thirty years younger?

Maybe that’s why George is doing this, to make up for The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. As it is, I don’t think that George Lucas has many good years left, so he might not outlive these actors that he is buying the rights to.

I haven’t heard anything about what actors are selling their celluloid selves, but I hope that there will be some sort of list available online soon.


Introducing Foolish Gadgets because not all gadgets are cool :)
[ George Lucas is buying up film rights to dead actors copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Posted: 06 Dec 2010 09:01 PM PST

Google eBookstore – Is bigger best?

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 06:56 PM PST

I love to read, I pretty much read everything I get my hands on, including my morning cereal box. I have books on my iPod Touch, my iPad, my laptop and my phone, believe it or not, I think I'd still also enjoy having an eReader. I know I'm probably not the norm, but there are probably a few people out there just like me.

Enough folks like me, that the new Google eBookstore might just be a good thing. Touting themselves as having the largest digital bookstore in the world, the Google eBookstore is a bit different in a few ways. First, unlike Amazon, Google sells books that come in various formats and can be read on almost any device, from the iPad to your netbook or smartphone… but uh-oh, not on your Kindle.

Second, The Google eBookstore might just be bigger than it's competitors, with over 3 million books available with many of them free and hundreds of thousands of titles for sale. The options are certainly extensive. Cheaper? Maybe not, but it certainly seems like a generous selection.

Lastly, Google also offers a Google eBooks Web Reader, where you can buy, store and read Google eBooks in the cloud allowing you access to your ebooks like you would your messages in Gmail, using a free account with unlimited ebooks storage.

Not everybody needs all this, but I believe its better to have and not need, you know what I mean? But if you have a Kindle, then never mind.

The Google eBookstore is open now, at


Introducing Foolish Gadgets because not all gadgets are cool :)
[ Google eBookstore – Is bigger best? copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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