Saturday, July 31, 2010

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Mr. Clock tells time, only when you look at it

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 04:47 PM PDT

Mr.Clock_Hye-yeon.park_Design Product_2010 RCA from hye-yeon.park on Vimeo.

We are no stranger to very cool clocks here on Coolest Gadgets. We just covered the Alessi Blank Wall Clock yesterday.

This clock is just as personal, but not in the sense that you can draw on it. As you can see in the video, the clock will only show the time when people are looking at it.

Granted, I have no idea how it knows whether or not anyone is looking at it, but it will give the correct time. If you aren’t looking at it, you will see nothing but some incongruous lines.

Mr. Clock is designed by Hye-Yeon Park, and it is supposed to be an art project. I suppose it asks the question of whether or not time happens when we are not looking at clocks. I suppose this is why we look at a clock, because without them, it is all lines.

Of course, if art asked a distinct question, and then gave the answer, would it still be art? Well, I will leave that one up to you.

Perhaps Hye-Yeon Park’s next project should be a television set that shows random patterns when you aren’t watching it. Unless you think the stuff that they show on television is random enough.


Check out the Coolest Gadgets 2008 Gift Guides, Christmas shopping made easy.
[ Mr. Clock tells time, only when you look at it copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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XCOR Aerospace Lynx spacecraft accepting pre-orders for space tours

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 04:20 PM PDT

I think we all know that the future is going to bring us space-travel tourism. Virgin Galactic has that Spaceport America coming very soon, and there is that fairly interesting Spaceship 2.

This is XCOR Aerospace’s Lynx spacecraft. It looks smaller than what Sir Richard Branson from Virgin is working on. The Lynx first showed up in 2008, and they are now taking pre-orders for the first flight, which is expected to be unveiled in 2012.

The Lynx has been designed with four independent rocket engines whose operational profile are “jet-engine” like in the sense they are used to power the aircraft. After it lands, they are refueled, a checklist is performed, and then you take off again, up to four times per day. The Lynx takes off like a private aircraft from a runway, flies to the edge of space, and returns to the take off site. Four onboard and several ground based cameras will be recording these historical flights, and will become a memento of this extraordinary personalized experience.

Keep in mind, that you can’t just spend an afternoon in space on this flight. No, you need a four-day training session and a two-day briefing before you go on the flight.

By the way, the price of a flight is about $95,000, which is about half the price what Virgin will charge. Pre-orders require a $20,000 deposit.


Cool Gift Idea: Digital Picture Frames, check out our reviews.
[ XCOR Aerospace Lynx spacecraft accepting pre-orders for space tours copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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This metal puzzle is actually a gun!

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 03:46 PM PDT

I don’t know if we have any readers that are TSA employees, but if they are, then don’t let this on the plane!

This is because that this is not an ordinary puzzle. This is assuming that a puzzle with 125 parts is “normal”. Personally, I think I would have a heck of a time solving it.

However, you should know that this particular puzzle has about 20 pieces that can form a single-shot .45 handgun.

By the way, the puzzle needs a special key in order to disassemble it, and I’m guessing that it doesn’t come with the bullet. Good luck trying to get past security with those bullets and this puzzle, buddy.

Now we come to the question as to why someone would make something like this. I mean, is someone actually trying to get past security with a one-shot gun?

I know that John Malkovich assembled a two-shot gun so he could kill the president in In the Line of Fire, and he had to assemble it secretly. I don’t think he could do this big puzzle underneath the table.

Could we somehow make a version of this for kids? Maybe certain parts of this could form a one shot Nerf gun.


Cool Gift Idea: Digital Picture Frames, check out our reviews.
[ This metal puzzle is actually a gun! copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Hands-free WristOffice

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 02:12 PM PDT

The iPhone 4 antenna issue has put 3rd party gadget companies into a frenzy.  Apple’s screw up means that they have an opportunity to profit off of it with accessories promising to solve the problem.  However, the ones created that were only capable of taking care of that singular problem might not do so well now that Apple has started to ship free bumpers.  This particular accessory was a little smarter about things though.  It can actually be used for more than just the iPhone 4.

Just pop your phone onto the wrist strap and you easily have it within sight.  It also means women that happen to be lacking pockets that day can have another alternative besides carrying the phone in your purse.  The WristOffice isn’t the solution for everyone, but it could make it easier to use a smart phone when your hands are also busy doing other things.  Of course this little accessory still doesn’t exactly make texting while driving entirely safe.

Source: Ubergizmo

Check out the Coolest Gadgets 2008 Gift Guides, Christmas shopping made easy.
[ Hands-free WristOffice copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Electroluminescent Mountain Bike

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 01:59 PM PDT

Every now and then I’ll spot someone riding a bike in the middle of the night and most of the time it’s almost impossible to see them.  Part of the problem in my area of the world is that it’s usually on a very dark back road and the reflector is so small it’s easily mistaken as nothing more than a mailbox with a reflector on it.  If you want to do a little something extra to make your bike stand out this is one tutorial you should check out.

Before you do put these on your bike you might make sure that it’s not illegal.  The whole thing is a 10 step process that might take you a little bit of time.  In addition to that it’ll probably cost you around $130 for all of the necessary parts, at least that’s what it cost the person that did this particular bike.  The guide is a little complex, so if you’re not experienced with wiring you may want to enlist some help.  You can read up on the project by going here.

Introducing Foolish Gadgets because not all gadgets are cool :)
[ Electroluminescent Mountain Bike copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Remote Controlled Lightsaber Lights

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 01:56 PM PDT

A lightsaber just isn’t a lightsaber unless it lets off that strange glow.  Well now you can put some use to that glow by making it double as mood lighting in your bedroom.  Nothing is bound to draw in the opposite sex more than flipping off that overhead light and letting the romantic glow of the lightsabers do all the work.  If you think just one won’t do the trick you could hook up several to really finish off the room.

These 27-inch tall wall mounted lightsabers come with a remote control.  On that control you can choose between 7 different color effects, although they don’t quite specify what those effects are exactly.  To keep one of the lights up and running you’ll need 5 AAA batteries.  Those of you with children under 3 should be careful with this one since it does have a whole lot of small parts.  You can pick one up for $29.99 through the Star Wars Shop.  Although it won’t actually ship out until sometime in August.

Source: SlipperyBrick

Check out the Coolest Gadgets 2008 Gift Guides, Christmas shopping made easy.
[ Remote Controlled Lightsaber Lights copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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