Saturday, April 3, 2010

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Latest Posts on Coolest Gadgets

OLED Wallpaper creates an interesting lighting effect

Posted: 02 Apr 2010 04:51 PM PDT

I realize that this still shot here looks like it was taken from a music video, but it is to demonstrate the power of OLED wallpaper.

OLED wallpaper is something that LOMOX is working on, and the OLED lighting is designed for providing ambient lighting to any room. I’m guessing that it can be put on a low-light setting for the day, and high in the day. It better be good enough to read by.

The good news is that OLED wallpaper takes less power than ordinary lightbulbs. It requires a low operating voltage of about 3 to 5 volts, so it will probably reduce your electric bill.

I will have to admit that I think that having OLED wallpaper will make your house look quite unusual, maybe even a little creepy. I mean, do you really want to have patterns of light on your wallpaper, or do you just want to have ordinary lights?

Still, if we can save energy, why not? Not only that, but to personalize our lighting with the OLED wallpaper might give our homes a little bit of artistic innovation. However, I hope it doesn’t stray too far, as this man here is sitting in a home that looks like it is from a dystopian science-fiction movie.


Tech Cult – We cover the latest tech news, but always with a funny twist.
[ OLED Wallpaper creates an interesting lighting effect copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Samurai robots serve humans in Hajime restaurant, Thailand

Posted: 02 Apr 2010 04:08 PM PDT

Okay, I’ve already talked about PR2, a laundry folding robot, and now I’d like to talk about a robot that can do tasks that humans would not want to do, like serve food.

These are the robots of the Hajime restaurant in Thailand. The owner, Lapassarad Thanaphant, decided that she wanted a Japanese restaurant, and instead of hiring a wait-staff, she set her place up for samurai robots.

That’s right, robot samurai, and not like the robot samurai like the ones in Robocop 3. No, these robot samurai are very cute with their big round eyes. Not only do they deliver the food and clear it, but they can also do this little dance. You can watch a video of them after the jump with some music from the east and the west.

The owner of the restaurant spent about $930,000.00 to get this restaurant going, and I have no idea how much independent function that these samurai robots have. In other words, does she have to push some buttons to make the robots drop off or fetch the food, or do they figure it out by themselves?

If this works, then I think there needs to be other robot-themed restaurants. For example, what if there was one with Terminators instead of robotic Samaurai. It could be called Terminator: Salivation. Get it? Because the food is so good that it makes your mouth water, or salivation. It’s not funny if I have to explain it, right?


Tech Cult – We cover the latest tech news, but always with a funny twist.
[ Samurai robots serve humans in Hajime restaurant, Thailand copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

PR2: A robot that can fold towels

Posted: 02 Apr 2010 03:39 PM PDT

I hope none of you think low of me, but since I have been married, I have simply let my wife deal with laundry. I think it has been years since I folded any of it. I never really liked folding laundry, and have always classified it as one of life’s “necessary evils”.

Fortunately, I can have this robot do it for me. After it gets perfected, of course. I’m sure you’ve probably watched the video and have thought that this guy was a little slow on the draw, and I can’t help but agree with that.

Still, this is one small step for robotkind as the PR2 (not to be confused with another robot with R2 in its number) is able to pluck rectangular objects like towels from a random pile and neatly fold them into piles.

The PR2 is an experimental robot from Pieter Abbeel, and it certainly needs a lot of space to work. It’s probably going to need a speed increase before everyone has one in their own homes. Still, it scores 100 percent in its trials, so maybe hotels could use the PR2 to fold their towels.

Of course, we all know where PR2 technology is headed: an age where the robots do all the laundry folding for us. Then we can all look back to the way we do laundry like we look back at the time when laundry was done with washboards.


Introducing Foolish Gadgets because not all gadgets are cool :)
[ PR2: A robot that can fold towels copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Umbra Loft Charging Valet Studio

Posted: 02 Apr 2010 02:43 PM PDT

Most of the attractive charging stations use nice looking materials but lean towards similar shapes.  This one offers a softer look that doesn’t feature the boxy design of many others.  Instead it has a chic look that’s more likely to appeal to women.  Which is nice, because it’s a happy medium between a unisex charging station and one that’s covered in flowers or is bright pink.

The station will accommodate up to 3 of your gadgets.  You just use the chargers that you already own and plug them in the inside of the charging valet.  Then when it gets plugged into the wall it’s only taking up one of your outlets.  The jet black valet is actually very affordable too.  It comes from Target for only $24.99.  Before purchasing you may want to take a look at the plugs that come with it, just to make sure the 3 gadgets you intend to plug in can all fit on the power strip.

Source: Bltd

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[ Umbra Loft Charging Valet Studio copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Solid Steel Mousepad

Posted: 02 Apr 2010 02:13 PM PDT

I can’t say I know a whole lot of people that still own a mouse pad that wasn’t free.  That is with the exception of those that try to find ones to make holding their mouse a little more ergonomic.  One thing I’ve definitely not come across is one made out of solid steel.  These steel mouse pads even come in all sorts of shapes and if those aren’t to your liking, you can get a custom one.

When you purchase one you’ll have the choice between a rectangular pad, round, square and even teardrop-shaped.  If that’s not enough for you there’s the Ravenholm, which is shaped like a saw blade.  All of the different shapes are made out of solid steel and can have a custom engraving put onto it, which won’t cost you any extra.  These range in price from $35 on up to $50.  Although the custom designs may cost you a little more than that.

Source: OhGizmo

Introducing Foolish Gadgets because not all gadgets are cool :)
[ Solid Steel Mousepad copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Verilux Clock wakes gradually

Posted: 02 Apr 2010 01:18 PM PDT

If you’re just not into shocking yourself into waking up, thankfully there are companies that sell more gradual solutions.  Those of you that could sleep through a bomb hitting the house next door might want to stick with the obnoxious jarring alarm clocks though.  For the average person though it’s really not necessary to be woken up with horribly loud noises.  For those ready to make the change this clock will help you fall asleep and wake up much more gradually and peacefully.

It has soothing sleep and wake up programs to help you feel more rejuvenated after you wake up.  You can use internal  and external light sources as well as nature sounds, therapeutic programs, your MP3s and even FM radio.  In the morning it will brighten the lights while increasing the noise level.  At night it will slowly decrease the sound and lights.  You can purchase the Rise & Shine Natural Sleep System for $249.95.

Source: TechFresh

Tech Cult – We cover the latest tech news, but always with a funny twist.
[ Verilux Clock wakes gradually copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Gadget Thumbnails for 01-Apr-2010

Posted: 01 Apr 2010 10:01 PM PDT