Monday, January 18, 2010

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Latest Posts on Coolest Gadgets

Ekomini Interactive Moneybox – play games with saved money

Posted: 17 Jan 2010 09:00 AM PST


Finding the motivation to save your money can sometimes be like pulling teeth.  There’s just so much more cool stuff to buy when you have the cash in hand.  That money just burns a hole in your pocket.  Well to help you or your kids learn to save that money there is this Ekomini Moneybox.  You save all of your money inside of it and it’ll let you use that hard earned cash inside of a game online.

To work it needs a bit of electricity and an internet connection.  That’ll allow for it to scan your coins and connect the amount with the social networking site (  Then within the game you’ll have some financial activities and games that include goal-setting, spending, sharing, investing, saving and other various tasks.  The website itself is actually free, all you have to do is pay for the bank.  You can purchase the moneybox for $45.14 through Ekomini.

Source: TechChee

Tech Cult – We cover the latest tech news, but always with a funny twist.
[ Ekomini Interactive Moneybox – play games with saved money copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

iPod Headphones Hold Your Nano

Posted: 17 Jan 2010 08:17 AM PST


Sometimes it seems like there are far more accessories for the iPod Nano than any of the other versions of the iPod.  Whether or not that’s actually the case is debatable, but here’s one more to add to the list.  I’m not exactly saying this addition is a good thing, but it does give you more options when you’re trying to find that perfect Nano accessory.  With this you’ll have headphones and a way to hold your Nano in place all in one gadget.

The headphones have a small pocket that will hold your Nano directly on your head.  It’s designed for 2nd and 3rd generations.  The Nano plugs in wirelessly, but any other MP3 players will have to use a connecting cord that is included upon purchasing.  The lightweight headphones might be a bit too bulky for some.  However, if you like the size of them you can pick yourself up a set for $17.99 through the Skymall.

Source: RGS

Tech Cult – We cover the latest tech news, but always with a funny twist.
[ iPod Headphones Hold Your Nano copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

DIY Lens Cap Keeper

Posted: 17 Jan 2010 06:50 AM PST


If you have a camera with a lens cap, then you know well the lengths you have to go through in order to make sure that you don’t lose the cap.  My solution is usually to put it in my back pocket, but I’m always afraid I’m going to break the cap that way.  I’d rather not have to replace a lens cap that costs anywhere from $20 on up to $40.  Instead you can make one of these Lens Cap Keepers for no cost.

The steps are pretty simple, you use plastic from a shampoo bottle or something along those lines.  Then you print out the template and tape it to your flattened plastic piece.  The rest is pretty basic and thankfully none of the tools you’ll need are out of the ordinary.  The only one that might give people problems is a hole puncher, but you can substitute that with a drill.  There’s a full tutorial as well as printable templates that you can check out.

Source: GadgetLab

Tech Cult – We cover the latest tech news, but always with a funny twist.
[ DIY Lens Cap Keeper copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Gadget Thumbnails for 16-Jan-2010

Posted: 16 Jan 2010 09:01 PM PST